Contact Details
Phone Number
9444158283Phone Number 2
4426414692Phone Number 3
26611650Phone Number 4
Gemini Parson Complex, Ground Floor, A8. 600 Anna Salai, Dr MGR Salai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600006
http://www.moulanahajservice.comAbout Company
Moulana Haj Service is a dedicated team of young and dynamic professionals, seamlessly blending business acumen with deep Islamic scholarship. Specializing in Hajj travel and tour packages, we cater specifically to the needs of Indian Muslim pilgrims, ensuring that every aspect of their spiritual journey is thoughtfully planned and executed. Our extensive experience has allowed us to serve countless travelers from Tamil Nadu and throughout South India, consistently exceeding their expectations with impeccable service and attention to detail.
Under the esteemed guidance of our beloved President, Janab Moulana Hafiz Alim Al Haj Imdadullah Sahib, an accomplished Islamic scholar and eloquent orator based in Chennai, we meticulously supervise and manage all facets of Hajj travel. Our standout offerings include personalized itineraries, comprehensive support during the pilgrimage, and an unwavering commitment to making each pilgrimage not just a trip but a profound spiritual experience. For more information about our exceptional services, please visit our website.
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