Contact Details
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9822017771Phone Number 2
9822017771Phone Number 3
9822953388Phone Number 4
Pyramid Travels, Pereira Plaza, A-101, Hospicio Hospital Rd, opp. Old, Fatorda, Madgaon, Goa 403602
https://www.pyramidtravels.inAbout Company
Based in the picturesque paradise of Goa, Pyramid Travels has been a cornerstone of travel excellence since 2010. Specializing in both international and domestic holidays, we offer a comprehensive suite of services that includes migration assistance to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as visa facilitation, hotel bookings, and flight arrangements. Our commitment to expanding horizons is evident with our latest offerings such as Portuguese nationality acquisition and study abroad programs across renowned destinations including the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia, Switzerland, Dubai, Russia, Germany, Singapore, New Zealand, and Europe.
As an ISO 9001:2015 certified company registered with GTDC and the Government of Goa—alongside affiliations with TTAG, MSME, and WTC—we uphold the highest standards of professionalism. Our dedication to customer satisfaction drives us to deliver unparalleled service at competitive prices. With integrity ingrained in our operations and a passion for travel that inspires our team daily, Pyramid Travels aims not just to meet but exceed your expectations. Join us in celebrating life’s adventures—cheers to new journeys!
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