Contact Details
Phone Number
9842162269Phone Number 2
9791848265Phone Number 3
17, Carpenter St, beside Krishna Bakery, Nellitope, Puducherry, 605005
https://www.srimurugantravel.comAbout Company
Sri Murugan Travel Agency, a leading travel agency in Tamil Nadu, specializes in crafting captivating packaged tours both within India and internationally. Their expertise spans four modes of transportation: road, rail, flights, and cruises, ensuring a diverse and seamless travel experience. Since its establishment in 1985, Sri Murugan Travel Agency has guided hundreds of thousands of travelers to various destinations across the globe, with a rich history of over 35 years in the industry.
Sri Murugan Travel Agency stands out through its commitment to providing fixed departure tours, offering travelers the convenience of pre-planned itineraries and hassle-free travel arrangements. As an authorized IATA agent and an approved tour operator by the Department of Tourism (Government of India), Sri Murugan Travel Agency guarantees a reliable and trustworthy service.
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