Contact Details
Phone Number
9025763747Phone Number 2
7871554961Phone Number 3
9025763747Phone Number 4
Marina beach, 2nd Cross road, Vambakeerapalayam, Puducherry, 605001
http://princessboating.inAbout Company
Nestled in the serene landscapes of Pondicherry, Princess Boating Adventure offers an unforgettable experience for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Specializing in mangrove boating, guests can explore the breathtaking Arikamedu and River Mouth regions while enjoying the tranquility of the lush mangrove forests. The vendor stands out with its diverse offerings, including Sunrise Boat Rides that greet the dawn with stunning views, as well as Sunset Boat Rides perfect for romantic evenings under the vibrant sky.
What truly sets Princess Boating Adventure apart is their commitment to providing exhilarating experiences like bird watching and fishing amid the pristine blue waters. Whether you're on a journey with loved ones enjoying a Couples or Friends Boat Ride, each excursion is designed to rejuvenate your spirit and connect you with nature's beauty. Embrace adventure and create lasting memories at Princess Boating Adventure, where every ride is a new story waiting to unfold.
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