Contact Details
Phone Number
9863471253Phone Number 2
7005298055Phone Number 3
7005298055Phone Number 4
rural bank, R. Kharkhongor store,lumshatsngi-kench's trace Bishnupur point, near meghalaya, Shillong, Meghalaya 793004
https://sgbikerental.comAbout Company
SG Bike Rental Shillong offers the best two-wheeler rental service in Shillong City. We maintain a fleet of well-maintained vehicles to guarantee a smooth and enjoyable riding experience. Our wide selection includes various types of bikes to suit diverse needs and preferences.
We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service, always welcoming feedback to continually improve. Our commitment stems from a deep understanding of the unique joy of motorcycling – as the saying goes, "four wheelers move the body, two wheelers move the soul!"
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